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MOOC for Sharing the Music for Inclusive Learning in Education

Smile’s MOOC is online courses available for anyone to enroll and you can start learning in a completely autonomous and flexible way.

Course duration: 10h

Course summary:

Around the world and especially in Europe, the last decade, cultural diversity in the classroom from children from national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities is on the rise. In our increasingly diverse and multicultural society, it’s more important than ever for teachers to incorporate inclusive teaching in the classroom.

The main goal of this Course is to provide teachers of preprimary/ primary schools new knowledge, key competences and ready to use educational material to effectively use music as a didactic and pedagogical tool for inclusive education.

The Smile’s MOOC has been developed at ERASMUS+ project SMILE from the following partners:

  • Eastern Macedonia-Thrace Regional Directorate of Education (GR), regional educational authority from Greece
  • UNICT (IT), University of Catania, department of Pedagogy from Italy
  • Amalgamate Music Education (CY), private organization that specializes in training for children and youth through Music, Drama and Dance from Cyprus
  • FRAME (PO), Foundation for the Development of International and Educational Activity (Edu NGO) from Poland
  • Viksjöfors skola, primary school from Sweden


The MOOC is divided into 5 modules of 2 hours each. Each section is dedicated to a specific topic. In particular:

Module 1: Music as a tool in education, has an introductory function whose main objective is to provide teachers with the necessary skills to map concepts and understand key definitions in the field of the use of music.

Module 2: Inclusion in education, sets the theoretical framework for inclusion and provides trainees with the necessary knowledge to build their strategies for educational environment.

Module 3: Practical examples with music, provides trainees with ready to use material with music such as lesson plans, instructions and material from around the world.

Module 4: Good practices, presents the best practices that were implemented in classes in all partner’s countries.

Module 5: Summary & final evaluation, sumarises on the combination of the elements of inclusion and music. Additionally, is providing extra material for further study.  The module ends with a true/false quiz (to be completed in less than 10 minutes) to assess the trainees’ knowledge.

Course is a Project Result of SMILE Project Co-Funded by European Union “SMILE” 2021-1-EL01-KA220-SCH-000032762

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.